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Disney Princesses

I have decided to change my topic to something a little different than before. Instead on doing how Disney princesses effect younger children, or what they unintentionally represent, I have decide to do my project on how over time they have changed with society and the American culture.

I watched this clip and honestly it angered me. I did not agree with this clip once so ever, i do not believe that any of the princesses teach the lessons that the video claims. I looked into some other websites seeing if maybe I agreed with any of them, and of corse I did not at all. One that shocked my the most was "Mixed Effects".

What does that lady mean by "early aggression in child hood". I felt like it was totally wrong and I did not agree with a bit of any of it.


This website made me more mad then anything! 

The Princess Syndrome

After reading this article I knew I needed to change my inquiry question because I couldn't find anything I agreed with. So I created a new hypothesis about how princesses change over time with our culture. 

Obviously Merida is much more different then Snow White because Brave came out in 2012 and Snow white came out it 1938. Unfortunatelyi could not find anything i really agree with when it comes to this topic. So I will be having to write everything from scratch and come up with a system or categories. 

Things I do not agree with:

The Disney Princess Impact:

This is just another one of those crazy people who look way to much into the princesses. Walt Disney did not have any planned hidding meaning. Also they did not pair every princess with a prince, Merida from brave refuses every guy wanting her hand and goes on her way being single.

The Princess Problems

Yet another person who claims that the "Princess Culture" is the reason for their child that their child is being a brat. This article also says "I think the princess ideology is hegemonic." No it is not! Come on, they are just supposed to be cute enjoyable movies for all ages.

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