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Music Within


          There is something inside of us all that is just waiting to be let out, and that is our inner song! We are born with an empty staff inside of us, and written on it is the sound track of our experiences and emotions. We all have our own opinions and own minds. No two people are exactly the same. Just like music, no two songs are identical; they might be similar, but never exactly the same. Our internal song is deep within us, coursing through our veins, and we discover that song when we’re ready.

          I discovered my song the first time I ever performed with my high school band. That night was the first time I had played the bassoon in front an audience. My nerves were rushing and I didn’t know how I was going to play a solo in front of almost a thousand people. It was about twelve measures until my solo, the terror was spreading through me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and heard this beautiful music. I didn’t know where it was coming from. It was inside of me, and it was perfect. It was me.

          When something is spoken it is not as powerful as when you sing it because with music you can put in more emotion. So why do we just speak our stories and not sing them? Most will tell you that it’s because no one sings their stories, that’s just not how it’s done. Why don’t we change that? Some people have, like Lady Gaga, who has never been afraid to let out her inner song. She always talks about being herself and being perfect just the way she is and tries to make us all feel that way. 

Beethoven wrote so many amazing and world renowned symphonies while being deaf. It was in his heart. He knew how to make everything flow because he didn’t need his ears to hear, he heard it within his heart. We all have not channeled this ability but we all can do this if we would just look.

          No matter big, little, old, young, it doesn’t affect the way your inner song gets you through every day. Lyrics and rhythms that the artist write come from within their souls. They dug deep into their soul and heard what their song was playing. They expressed what they felt and were not afraid. They let it go, and left the past behind them. The reached down and pulled out what we all have. They just showed the world what they had.

          I came to find my song by just looking within myself, and really understanding my passion of music. Just open up and see what you have hidden from yourself all this time. Just look a little closer, dig a little deeper, stare a little longer, and you’ll realize it’s there

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